GDPR in practice (N°2): GDPR disputes in Belgium: the voluntary nature of Mediation
If you’re facing a data protection problem in Belgium and you assess that it requires intervention from the Belgian Data Protection Authority (the “APD/GBA”), one available option (rather than lodging a complaint) is to request a mediation…
Data Protection | Recent Developments
This article brings together selected regulatory guidance, recent decisions and insights from the Data Protection Authorities (“DPAs”) in Belgium, France, Ireland and the UK as well as from the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”)…
FIIDE XXIX Congress The Hague 2021
FIDE, the International European Law Federation, met for its XXIX Congress in the Hague at the beginning of November.
Leonard Hawkes from Lawrope member FLINN contributed as national rapporteur on the UK GDPR and the DPA2018.
EU Law Live's…
Brexit: The Morning after the Night Before
The British Prime Minister, Mrs Teresa May, lost the Parliamentary vote on the withdrawal agreement negotiated with the European Union last night (15th January 2019) by 230 votes. It is the largest parliamentary defeat for a UK government in…